Tuesday, October 28, 2008
An American Tail 美國鼠譚
剛剛更新了左邊的video bar,新加的是1986年一部十分溫馨的Disney卡通"An American Tail"(老鼠"尾巴"Tail與"故事"Tale同音),和大家分享。
片中著名的somewhere out there一曲相信大家多家練習也能朗朗上口!
Fv: Somewhere out there,
beneath the pale moonlight,
someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight.
Ty: Somewhere out there,
someone's saying a prayer,
that we'll find one another in that big somewhere out there.
(*)Ty: And even though I know how very far apart we are,
it helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star.
Fv: And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby,
it helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky.
Together: Somewhere out there,
if love can see us through,
then we'll be together, somewhere out there,
out where dreams come true.
Character key(人物角色):
Fv = Fievel, Ty = Tanya, Tg = Tiger.
pale adj.
1. 形容很淡的顏色,如choose pale floral patterns for walls.
2. 用於人的面色或膚色(complexion) 發白,尤其受到驚嚇,或因恐懼、疾病所致。我們常形容人面色慘白、面無血色,就可用這字,而不用white。如she looked pale and drawn.
creat havoc
本次高三模擬考英語試題中出現一個creat havoc的片語,這是在新聞媒體上常會出現的用語,舉凡颱風、地震等天災乃至於疾病的肆虐,只要形容大規模的災害損失,自然或人為都可,大概就會用到"havoc"這字。
常用的動詞搭配包括:cause/creat/play/wreak (past: wrought) havoc,隨便拿這片語google一下一定都是一拖拉庫的新聞報導。
常接的介系詞如among: The new tax could wreak havoc among smaller companies.(這句會不會讓各位聯想到近來的金融海嘯的相關報導呢?聯想力對學英文是很重要的)for: High winds have been creating havoc for farmers. in: The desease can cause havoc in commercial orchards. on: The flood wrought havoc on the countryside. to: The storm caused havod to wildlife. with: The fog played havoc with flight schedules.
常用的動詞搭配包括:cause/creat/play/wreak (past: wrought) havoc,隨便拿這片語google一下一定都是一拖拉庫的新聞報導。
常接的介系詞如among: The new tax could wreak havoc among smaller companies.(這句會不會讓各位聯想到近來的金融海嘯的相關報導呢?聯想力對學英文是很重要的)for: High winds have been creating havoc for farmers. in: The desease can cause havoc in commercial orchards. on: The flood wrought havoc on the countryside. to: The storm caused havod to wildlife. with: The fog played havoc with flight schedules.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Perform surgery, do surgery, or make surgery?
1. 作為medical treatment解釋時:
adj.+surgery major(大)/minor(小)/extensive(大範圍)/further(進一步)/(un)successful(成功或失敗)
v.+surgery have/undergo/perform(進行,動) She had minor surgery on her knee./He has been performing heart surgery for ten years.
2. 作為place/time a doctor/dentist sees patients解釋時:
adj.+surgery open/afternoon, evening, morning/dental
v.+surgery do, have hold We only have a morning surgery./He holds surgery from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Source: Oxford Collocation Dictionary for Students of English, 2002
1. 作為medical treatment解釋時:
adj.+surgery major(大)/minor(小)/extensive(大範圍)/further(進一步)/(un)successful(成功或失敗)
v.+surgery have/undergo/perform(進行,動) She had minor surgery on her knee./He has been performing heart surgery for ten years.
2. 作為place/time a doctor/dentist sees patients解釋時:
adj.+surgery open/afternoon, evening, morning/dental
v.+surgery do, have hold We only have a morning surgery./He holds surgery from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Source: Oxford Collocation Dictionary for Students of English, 2002
Thursday, October 23, 2008
高中同學對於學習英文除了在字彙上大量吸收外,千萬也別忽視了動詞片語(phrasal verbs)的重要性。動詞片語說穿了就是各位手邊的狄克生片語啦!這本印刷平庸、插圖又未必精美的教科書,可是常春藤出版社在台風行數十年的片語書,至少在老師這年代(就是要賣老一下...)就已是人手一本的寶典。好好背,多讀例句去體會每個片語的使用時機,以及觀察片語的前後字詞搭配,這是學好道地英文的基本功。
一個觀念要先建立:我們無法回答為何put up with這三個看似沒啥意義的字(除了put你知道有"放"的意思)兜在一起,竟成了"容忍"這樣的意思。片語(phrases)就是這一群字的組合,形成一個有意義的單位。就學習語言拿來溝通這目的而言,你不用和它講甚麼道理。
比方說,put off這動詞片語有哪些意義?第一,它有to delay doing sth, esp. because you do not want to do it的意思。怎麼搭配後面的字?一定要用Ving或n.。再看看例句怎麼用:You can't put the decision off any longer.由此可見它還是個可拆的動詞片語,受詞可置於其中。第二,還可用來指to tell sb. you cannot see them or do sth. until a later time: We'll have to put George off if your mother's coming on Thursday.
所以我們又可知道,put off亦可以人作受詞,解釋為"和某人延期見面"。單字片語乃至於慣用語的吸收,不僅在於不斷地反覆背誦記憶,要能更有效地駕馭這部份,其實各位要試著在每次的查字典、讀例句的過程中,"設身處地"把自己放在那個語言情境裡,想像自己正對某人講這句話,唸出來讓自己聽見,如此才能加深印象,讓它成為你腦袋記憶體中無法輕易刪除的一部份。那麼,put up又有甚麼意思呢?後面加了to或with,雖一字之差,意義卻大相逕庭。去查查字典,看看究竟怎麼用吧!
在English Page這網站中有可以查動詞片語的網頁,比方要查"make up"這片語,只要從左邊點"M",右邊就會秀出常用m開頭的動詞片語,還有簡單的英文解釋與例句,同學可以看看自己認得多少。http://www.englishpage.com/prepositions/phrasaldictionary.html
Monday, October 13, 2008
Slumber My Darling
嗯,聽音樂學英文是再自然不過了。這裡為大家播放的是我很喜歡的現代bluegrass歌手Alison Krauss(愛莉森克勞絲)與馬友友等藝人合作演出的Slumber My Darling(睡吧,我親愛的)。此曲為美國音樂之父Stephen Foster(就是寫"Oh! Susanna"和"Beautiful Dreamer"的那位)所作,歌詞旋律簡單卻動人至深。Foster生於1826年,歌詞偶有出現thee, thou等早期英文並不足為奇。本曲收錄於馬友友阿帕拉契之旅專輯(右圖),想聽聽馬友友等藝人用一把大提琴、一把小提琴和低音提琴呈現這張帶有美國西部鄉村風味的演奏嗎?老師很歡迎同學來借喔!
Slumber, my darling, thy mother is near,
Guarding thy dreams from all terror and fear,
Sunlight has pass’d and the twilight has gone,
Slumber, my darling, the night’s coming on.
Sweet visions attend thy sleep,
Fondest, dearest to me,
While others their revels keep,
I will watch over thee.
Slumber, my darling, the birds are at rest,
The wandering dews by the flow’rs are caressed,
Slumber, my darling, I’ll wrap thee up warm,
And pray that the angels will shield thee from harm.
Slumber, my darling, till morn’s blushing ray
Brings to the world the glad tidings of day;
Fill the dark void with thy dreamy delight–
Slumber, thy mother will guard thee tonight,
Thy pillow shall sacred be
From all outward alarms;
Thou, thou are the world to me
In thine innocent charms.
Slumber, my darling, the birds are at rest,
The wandering dews by the flow’rs are caressed,
Slumber, my darling, I’ll wrap thee up warm,
And pray that the angels will shield thee from harm.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
1. Read the Chinese translation first.(先讀中文是為了對文章大意及特殊專門辭彙先有概括的認識,但並非在閱讀過程中依賴它來理解文意)
2. Read the English text aloud to yourself.(太重要了!請打三顆星***!不出聲、聽不到自己念的,對於任何的記憶都沒幫助。請運用所有你能運用的感官將自己"沈浸" (immerse yourself) 在英文環境中。老人家講的手到、眼到、耳到、口到、心到不就這回事嗎?)
3. Underline words you don't know. Try to guess the meaning of the words.(猜測是閱讀訓練中必備的一種技巧,但不是瞎猜,而是能夠從上向文脈絡中作最合理的推斷。這時先別受到字典的引誘,要給自己機會訓練猜到"雖不中,亦不遠矣"。)
1. Listen to the English part AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.(反覆聽,你會漸漸習慣它的速度。在這之前,你的大聲朗誦其實也多少練習到你的聽力。)
2. Don't try to understand every word. Listen for the main idea.(和閱讀一樣,不要期待都看懂、聽懂。人腦的記憶體也要作最適當的分配,集中注意力在文章大意上,對於聽不懂的單字片語偶爾要放開心胸let it go....)
3. Repeat words and phrases aloud.(又是回到口說練習上,同學平常要背單字也要記得唸出來)
1. Check the words you underlines in the dictionary.(現在才來查字典,把焦點放在例句及用法上)
2. Read the day's lesson again aloud to yourself.(又要張開嘴唸啦)
3. Plan a time to listen to it agian.
1. Read the Chinese translation first.(先讀中文是為了對文章大意及特殊專門辭彙先有概括的認識,但並非在閱讀過程中依賴它來理解文意)
2. Read the English text aloud to yourself.(太重要了!請打三顆星***!不出聲、聽不到自己念的,對於任何的記憶都沒幫助。請運用所有你能運用的感官將自己"沈浸" (immerse yourself) 在英文環境中。老人家講的手到、眼到、耳到、口到、心到不就這回事嗎?)
3. Underline words you don't know. Try to guess the meaning of the words.(猜測是閱讀訓練中必備的一種技巧,但不是瞎猜,而是能夠從上向文脈絡中作最合理的推斷。這時先別受到字典的引誘,要給自己機會訓練猜到"雖不中,亦不遠矣"。)
1. Listen to the English part AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.(反覆聽,你會漸漸習慣它的速度。在這之前,你的大聲朗誦其實也多少練習到你的聽力。)
2. Don't try to understand every word. Listen for the main idea.(和閱讀一樣,不要期待都看懂、聽懂。人腦的記憶體也要作最適當的分配,集中注意力在文章大意上,對於聽不懂的單字片語偶爾要放開心胸let it go....)
3. Repeat words and phrases aloud.(又是回到口說練習上,同學平常要背單字也要記得唸出來)
1. Check the words you underlines in the dictionary.(現在才來查字典,把焦點放在例句及用法上)
2. Read the day's lesson again aloud to yourself.(又要張開嘴唸啦)
3. Plan a time to listen to it agian.
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