美國總統大選剛落幕,這次大選最重要的意義便在於美國歷史上出現了首位非裔黑人總統(first Afro-American US president):Barack Obama。
藉著本次美國總統大選,同學可以好好了解一下這號稱近代民主典範的美國,其總統選舉制度的特色與精神。兩個網站資料提供同學參考:1. 維基百科(關於其歷史及爭議有詳盡說明)美国选举人团; 2. 新華網(對於選舉制度、主要政黨都有介紹,並列出歷任總統)。
Barack Obama: First Afro-American US president
Barrack Obama has created history by winning the US presidential elections with a huge margin from his Republican counterpart. The Democratic senator has become the first Afro-American president of the world's most powerful country..
DEMOCRAT BARACK Obama created history when he got elected as the America’s first black president in a historic triumph that overcame racial barriers that has existed in America for long. The Democratic senator from Illinois sealed his victory by defeating Republican senator, John McCain in a string of wins in hard-fought battleground states — Ohio, Florida, Virginia and Iowa.
Study Focus:
1. win sth. with a huge margin from sb. 以懸殊差距勝過對手(counterpart)
2. historic (not historical) triumph 歷史性的勝利
3. racial barriers 種族藩籬 (築起藩籬可用build, create, erect, put up, set up./破除藩籬可用break down, lift, lower, reduce, remove./超越藩籬可用overcome, transcend)
4. a string of (=a set of; a sequence of; a series of) 一連串的;陸續幾個
5. hard-fought=to fight sth. hard 苦戰贏來的
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