Saturday, January 10, 2009


我個人常在在台大外文系教授Gerorge Chen的部落格上,發現到很多他對於英語學習及辭典使用的心得分享,對於有心在英文上好好扎根的同學們,不妨多瀏覽他寫的文章,試試我在課堂上常和同學"大聲疾呼"的英語學習秘訣--練習使用英英字典,假以時日,各位在字彙的累積、語感的培養上,必能有所斬獲!

摘錄他近期一篇po文,是他從Word Origin(字源)一書中讀到的文字,提到英文裡動物名字究竟是怎麼演變來的(Where Animal Names Came From)。讀來像繞口令,可是短短幾行字便交代九種動物和牠們所生的小baby的名稱(中文裡,母牛生的小牛有個"犢"字,且看英文用多少不同字彙來指稱這龐雜的動物家族!)

We speak, for instance, of the calf of a cow. But the calf of a horse is a foal; the foal of a bear is a cub; the cub of a beaver is a kitten; the kitten of a deer is a fawn; the fawn of a sheep is a lamb; the lamb of a dog is a pup; the pup of a goat is a kid; the kid of a wolf is a whelp; and the whelp of a kangaroo is, of all things, a joey.

更多精彩文章請見 George Chen on Blog

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